"Do You Hear The Duke?"

**The Home Video, "Do You Hear The Duke?" is sponsored by "DWF entertainment" and "The Duke Enterprises". What you will see what actually happened in the DWF.**

**Any attempt to copy or use of this video is damn sure prohibited. If attempted, The Duke will sue your smudgey ass! :-)**

**Columbia Pictures**

**DWF Entertainment presents**

**The Duke Enterprises film**

"Do You Hear the Duke?"

((The Duke speaks))

The Duke:"Welcome fans to the home video, of the Mighty One, The Duke. The true one and only DWF superstar that is the most popular wrestler in the business today! In this Video, you will see the Duke's rise to glory and the few blocking blocks The Duke had to overcome. Cause, What the Duke says, is what counts! DO YOU HEAR THE DUKE?"

**A black screen appears and Peter Tiger, The voice of the DWF, is hosting this video begins to speak.**

Peter Tiger:"In my years in the DWF, There were great wrestlers in the DWF that made an sudden impact in the DWF, wrestlers like the Great Matt Steele, or the dominate 2Dope, A legend in Hefty Steve Lefty, or even Homicide, who been here the longest in DWF history made his mark here. But nobody, I mean, nobody, has ever come here and entertain the fans like the Duke, nobody has made an entrance in this federation and was deemed an Instant Star like him. In a few weeks, The Duke won the World Heavyweight title! He shocked the world dominating at such a young age. He just started in late July, got injuried in August, and burst into the screens in September being the federation champ. I truly don't think we'll ever see another Duke again."

A Video Clip (September 2000)

"The Duke vs Sage vs Ken Jacobs in a Hell in a Cell Ladder Match"

Tiger:"...The Duke is down on the ring floor hard as Sage and Ken Jacobs starts battling... Sage is stummbling... Sage is to the ropes... Whats this? That guy in the mask is coming to the ring... The Masked Man is fighting Ken Jacobs... The Masked Man have pulled out the handcuffs... He just handcuffed Ken Jacobs to the turnbuckle. The Duke is up... He is climbing up to the top of the cell... Ken is fighting to get free... The Masked Man is standing there laughing at him... The Duke is on the top of the cell... He is fighting Sage... Sage swings.. Misses... Duke kick to the stomach... The Duke ScrewDriver!! This could be it.. The Duke is climbing up the ladder... He's got the belts! We have a new champion!! Ken Jacobs is yelling at the masked man to reveil himself... The guy takes off the mask... Its Diablo! Diablo screwed Jacobs! What a shocker..."

Clip Ends

**The Duke is in a room sitting down with the federation belt on his shoulder and starts talking**

The Duke:"Winning that match in September was one of the true great feelings I've ever had. I was only a Rookie, thrown into the fire by the front office, they wanted a new blood in this federation, somebody that can spark the fans interests. And thats what I provided for them. A wrestler that just doesn't know when to shut the hell up..."

Clips appear (Playing Duke quotes))

((Duke speaks about Diablo in November 2000))

The Duke:"You tell the Duke that the Duke has your DWF belt? As good as you are Diablo, the Duke is wayyyyyyy better than your amyloid ass, cause the Duke is already a 3-time champion in a span of 4 months, while it took you to get this belt once in 8 months!"

((Duke speaks about his tag match with has him and Diablo vs. Ken Jacobs and Marco in November 2000))

The Duke:"Macro, the Duke has a show of his own, its called, DTV, and what is it about you ask yourself? Well thats simple, as you turn on the TV and put it on DTV, its about the Duke... kicking your smudgey ass!"

((Duke speaks about his 3 on 1 handicap match against Big Poppa Si, Ricky Goodwin and Peiora Pulveriser in January 2001))

The Duke:"Next, you have a guy named Peiora Pulveriser. Sounds like a mexcian pie eater to The Duke. This guy must be a huge favorite of the one and only dildo pie!"

((Duke speaks about Hardcore Hulverson and the American Patriot in December 2000))

The Duke:"My thoughts... Of the largest pile of Rhino droppings this world has ever seen? All the Duke is planning in the match on Monday night is to avoid wrestling her... I can't stand to see a woman that fat. She should have intercourse with the Patriot, because if those two
hook up, Hardcore Hulverson is the real man between the two."

((Duke speaks about Damien been American Champion in January 2000))

The Duke:"The DWF isn't about wrestling, its about giving
everybody they turn for the title! They give people title
shots when they don't even deserve it! Look at Damien.. He's currently the American Champion, but how is he the champion!? He can't even tell the difference between a piece of sh*t that comes out of his smudgey ass and the "liquid" that comes from his deformed penis with one testicle!"

((Duke on Crimson Death and the Sadistic Sons afterwards Crimson had a party at the playboy mansion in Feburary 2001))

The Duke:"Shut your face, the Duke isn't done. Crimson
Death, you start something that the Duke will finish! You might as well bring your Sadistic Sons pals cause the Duke is going to have a party of his own. Its called "SSAK"! And Crimson, since you are a dumb drunk, SSAK stands for "Sadistic Sons Ass Kicking!" And it just so happens that you are the main guest to this party. Don't worry, the Duke will send an invitation to those smudgey asses to come to the party that the Duke will personally congratualate you for being the biggest asshole in DWF history!"

Clip Ends

The Duke:"I mean, the Duke loves making his fans laugh, thats what he does. Entertain. But he also kicks ass too..."

Clips appear (Playing Duke fights))

The Duke, and Diablo vs. Ken Jacobs, and Marco (November 30,2000)

Tiger: The DUke does and now the Duke is in...here comes Ice COld Jeff Austin what is he doing here...he goes over to Jacobs corner and he yanked Marco down they are fighting into the crowd...here comes Rampage with a ledgehammer...he just crushed Diablo in his back with the sledgehammer...The DUke is distracted...he turns around...kick to the stomach by Jacobs...hes got him up for the Lights out...Duke wiggles out...reversal by the Duke... DUke Buster!!...the cover 1...2...3...this one is over...what a matchup...

The Duke Vs. Rage (February 22,2001)

Tiger:"This one is under way folks and the DUke is laying into Rage..hard lefts send Rage to the canvass Rage pops up...samoan drop by the DUke.. Duke pops up and awaits Rage... Rage is up...DDT!!! Duke covers...1...2...kickout by Rage....Duke yanks Rage up...low blow by Rage...knee to the face by Rage ...Duke is down on the mat...Rage climbs to the top... he leaps...elbow drop on the Duke...the cover...1...2...kickout by the Duke...Rage yanks the Duke up...throws him to the rope...Duke hits a clothesline!!! Rage pops up Duke hits another clothesline...Rage is up again and stumbling...Duke grabs Rage...Dukebuster!!!the
cover...1...2...3...this one is over folks what a matchup this has been Duke continues his winning ways..."

Peter Tiger:"Man, The Duke has it all, he got the wrestling skills, the mic skills, and damn sure have the popular in this business that only a few wrestlers can ever achieve."

DWF Commerical:

Duke Tee Shirt hits

DWF Blood Sweat and Tears Tee Shirt hits

((Peter Tiger is seen seated in a blank room about to speak))

Peter Tiger:"If you read the Duke's book, then you know the struggles he had to go through. All the people that hated him, all the people that thinks he isn't going to succeed. Then all the sudden, the Duke rises in every federation he has gone through, becoming either a champion, or a top 3 performer. Something nobody had thought, except for Ken Jacobs..."

((Video Clip))

Ken Jacobs:"I thought he had talent, but was wasting it in a second rate federation (NKW), plain and simple."

((Peter Tiger is seen seated in a blank room speaking))

Peter Tiger:"But funny enough. Ken Jacobs and the Duke's rival will never be forgotten. Ever. These two had gone to amazing levels as they feud with each other... From Suspensions to nearly a tradgic car crash, This rival is worth the price of admission..."

((Video clip: REVIEW of The Duke VS. Ken Jacobs Feud))

((Thursday Turmoil October 2000))

((Ken speaks about the Duke's AWOL from the DWF))

Jacobs:"Ladies gentlemen I'd like to address all the bull shit thats been going on in this fed right here and right now...the DWF is an honorable fed...a fed built on trust...a fed built by Legends like myself...and Mathew Steele my mentor...and the founding father of this whole thing Heft Steve Lefty himself...and I'll be damned if people like Diablo...people like Hangman...and people like your beloved Duke are going to ruin it...I worked hard on winning my titles...I had to prove myself...and damn it I deserved the title...and I thought hey you know I'll do something good for a change and give the Duke some title shots cause he'll he reminds me of myself...hes a hard worker with more skill then anyone else in this fed and I believe the world...and what does the Duke do he takes it for granted...I put him in a match he shoulda been able to handle...and he moans about how I stacked the deck against him..."

(PPV: House of Horrors October 2000)

Jacobs: its been a long time Ive been in this federation...and I wanna start out on a positive
note...I have never in my entire career seen so much talent in my entire life uinder one roof... the DWF is the far best its ever been from the champ Diablo to Marco to The Duke...which leads me to my point...Duke you cowardly son of a bitch how could you...the last 2 months all I have done was push you...you come into the DWF push...first 2 weeks title shot...and what do I get an ungreatful rat like you...your nothing Duke...I am your God.. I made you boy...this is Ken Jacobs the man speaking...I put it all on the line because I thought you had talent...I put you in tough matches because I thought you could win and what do you do...you put your tail between your legs and ran you coward....now I want you to come out here and justify yourself tell Ken Jacobs just what you think about Ken Jacobs you gutless bastard...

Tiger: Here comes the Duke!!!!

*standing on the off ramp*

Duke:"Well, I know all you fans are wondering why I left? Well, the Duke left for a couple of things, first, he left cause of this smudgey ass named Ken Jacobs. Ken, you and The Duke has known each other every since the Duke started to wrestle, but thats the past, The Duke is gonna kick the guts out of your smudgey ass! The next reason I left is to write a book of the Duke's rise in wrestling, it will be out in 3 months. But back to you Jacobs, we are gonna finish this one way or another, rather you like it or not, Cause What the Duke says, Is what counts!

Do you hear the Duke?"

Jacobs: Have fun writing your book...and dont forget who pulled the strings so you can make it little boy...im gonna take you to school...DWF Long Fall me and you...Steel Cage...You're going down...

**Jacobs throws the mic down as they glare into each others eyes and they go to a promo**

((The Duke speaks))

The Duke:"Yeah, that little thing, started a feud that has the whole world talking.."

((Video Clip))

((PPV: Long Fall Novemeber 2000))

((The Duke VS. Ken Jacobs Sudicial rules))

Tiger: Duke can barely stand and Jacobs is going after him...he is laying the boots on him on the off ramp...Duke is hurt...Jacobs yanks the DUke up...suplex on the off ramp...the cover...1...2..kick out by the Duke...Jacobs Yanks him up again...small package by the DUke..1..2..kick out by Jacobs...Jacobs is infuriated...Jacobs stomps the DUke in the head...he yanks him up...hes going for a powerslam...reversal by the DUke...the Duke tombstone piledrived Jacobs onto the steel... the cover..1...2..kickout Jacobs is busted open bad! Ive never seen a person bleed that much... The Duke has him up...Duke Buster...but the DUke cant capitalize he is out of energy...the DUke is inching his way over to Jacobs...the cover...1...2...Jacobs gets a shoulder up...if Jacobs doesnt give up he'll bleed to death! Duke has Jacobs up by the hair...hes bringing him into the staging area...he is rubbing Jacobs face against a cinder block...Jacobs is bleeding like hes been shot...Duke is going for a piledriver onto the concrete...reversal by Jacobs...backbody drop by Jacobs...the cover..1..2.. kickout by the Duke...jacobs yanks the DUke up by the hair...hes taking him even further into the back...they are in Susan Snow's dressing room now...

Snow: Get out of here... Im naked!!!

**censored censored**

Tiger: Now theyre in Spitfire's dressing room...swing by Duke ducked by Jacobs...kick ot the stomach...Lights Out right on Spitfire's floor...they really wrecked that room...1...2...kick out by the DUke...what a match!!!

SPitfire: Gee thanks guys!!!!!!

Tiger:Theyre outside now...wait a minute there goes DIablo and there are two crucifixes there....Diablo is lacing both of them up...kick to the stomach...crucifix to Jacobs...kick to he stomach crucifix to the Duke...he is ying Jacobs up to the cross...Jacobs is up he is now puring gas on him...here comes the Scream Guy...he just laid Diablo out with a chair...he now has the DUke.. he just threw the Duke through a car windown...The Duke is hurt bad and busted open..."

((The Duke speaks))

The Duke:"Although it was a no contest, that was a very brutal match... It pains me to see it cause I can still feel the affects of that match..."

((Video Clip))

((PPV: New Beginnings January 2001))

((The Car Accident))

Tiger:"Jacobs is running to the parking lot...his car is waiting for him Susan Snow in the passenger seat....here comes Diablo...Jacobs jumps in...Diablo is running into the parking lot...Jacobs just backed up right into Diablo knocking him over hard...Jacobs speeds off... looks like he escaped....wait what was that noise...a large crashing noise just filled the parking lot the camera man is in persuit....OMG!!!! Jacob's car has crashed and is demolished both him and Snow are inside...the car is on fire folks someone call the police now....get Jacobs out please...he doesnt deserve this...Diablo is running toward the car....Diablo kicked the window in hes trying to pull Jacobs out...he is pulling with all his might...Jacobs is out but he looks in bad shape.. This is real folks...I think Diablo just saved his life but he is not moving and his face is badly cut....as well as other parts of the body...Susan SNow is jamme din there good... DIablo is trying to get her out the fire is geting bigger...here comes the fire trucks...they are putting the fire out...the police are here to what a sad way to end our broadcast...if not for Diablo...who is in no way friends with Mr. Jacobs...I believe Jacobs would be dead right now...and the condition of Susan I cringe at the thought ...our prayers go out to Jacobs and Susan and more details will be brought to you tomorrow afternoon...ladies and gentlemen as much as i hate to do this we are out of time...I hope you all find it in your hearts to pray for this man who isnt exactly the most popular for the home veiwers goodnight..."

((Ken Jacobs on Turmoil on February 15,2001))

**Ken Jacobs is shown on the DWFTron sitting in a wheel chair...his head bandaged as well as his arms...Jacobs has never been seen worse he then grabs a mic and begins to speak**

Jacobs:"Ladies and gentlemen...the fans of the DWF....I would like to start this off on a less negative note than with whatI will end....first off there have been many injuries and sicknesses here in the DWF and I have now decided to cancel Mayhem at least this coming Monday to make it easier for our superstars to recover from these nagging injuries...now on to business...do you see me...I am in a wheel chair...both my legs with compound fractures...and you know one of my wrestlers did it...well I will f*cking find out who it is and I will kill you...do you hear meyou son of a b*tch I will destroy you...the doctors say I cant wrestle anymore well that is bullsh*t because I will kill you you mother f*cker do you hear me my wife is laying in a hospital bed unable to move her legs...you cut my brake cords what a p*ssy walk up to me and fight me like a man but you destroy me and my wife's lives and I will kill you....Ill give you until Heartbreak to come out and if you dont I will press legal charges when I do find you...my wife you messed with my wife!!!"

**Jacobs begins to cry as the camera fades out**

((The Duke speaks))

The Duke:"When it happened, and sooner than later people found out that I did it, I get a lot of questions like why? And my response was... Why not?"

Tiger: Wow this one is underway folks and its sure to be a good one both men are slowly making there way to the other one the land mines are marked but they need to watch out none the less... they meet halfway hard left by the DUke followed by an other hard left...Jacobs falls backwards nearly hitting a mine...Duke jumps on top of Jacobs nailing him with all hes got...Jacobs is down and Duke goes for the early cover...Crimson Death counts...1.2...fast count by Death but Jacobs gets a shoulder up somehow....Duke yanks Jacobs up...IRISH whip by Duke sends Jacobs across the field...OMG what an explosion Jacobs is screamin his leg has benn blown up...he is bleeding from the leg injured in his crash...Duke goes right at Jacobs....he picks him up...body slam....the crowd boos loudly...Jacobs looks like he can pass out from the pain at any moment...Duke yanks Jacobs up...goes for a short arm clothesline...Jacobs ducks...kick to the stomach...running powerbomb by Jacobs...both men land directly on a land mine....Jacobs and Duke are hurt bad...both men are out and Crimson Death is lookin on with a grim look on his face...these explosives are more powerful then i imgined...wait a minute I just got word that Ken Jacobs has replaced the explosives with dynamited nearly two times stronger then what was there...Jacobs has really lost it folks...both men are slowly getting to their feet blood is dripping form their bodies and faces...they are both up and stumbling towards eachother...they lock up sluggishly...both men collapse! Crimson Death has to call this one folks these men cant possibly go on....Jacobs lays a hand gently on the Duke for the cover...1....2...Duke kicks out...."

((Thursday Turmoil on March 8, 2001))

Duke: Serves him right doesnt it Ken..

Jacobs: Yea he tried to kill me it does...

Tiger: Duke just threw Jacobs wheel chair and all off the ramp!!! Jacobs crashes tot he ground hard the chair taking most of the impact but he is still hurt...the Duke is laughing!!! what has come over the Duke damn it..I was just praising him before..the crowd is silent they are in
absolute awe...look at that child in the front row he is crying for God sake...how could you Duke ...how could you!

Duke: Jacobs, Jin wasnt lying...he didnt cut the brakes but I guess your search is over b*tch hope you had a nice trip down...

((The Duke speaks))

The Duke:"After all that, I'm thinking I'm doing the Duke fans a favor, get rid of the rat of the DWF... I guess the people didn't see it that way... But in the end.. Ken Jacobs wins the belt I was holding, in the sudicial belt. No biggie, the Duke is always, the best damn superstar in federation history!"

((Spitfire Speaks))

Spitfire:"Well, the Duke is a great wrestler, I'll give that to him, but he's a backstabber. Leaving me and the Predators and then being the biggest POS in the business today was just wrong."

(DWF Commerical)

((The DWF Magazine, new issue every 2 weeks))

((Peter Tiger speaks))

Peter Tiger:"It all started back when the DWF signed the Duke in July, after that, the Duke was sent to NKW. In August, the Duke suffered a severe sprained ankle and missed about 3 weeks. And in September, when the Duke was ready to join the DWF... For the rest of 2000, the Duke didn't act like he was afriad of anyone, but instead, he wanted the DWF to realize that the Duke was something special, a rare wrestler that comes once in a life time..."

**Playing Video Clips**

((Duke speaks on his return after House of Horror ppv. October 31, 2000))

The Duke:"Let the Duke get down to business, first off, the president of licking the most hairest ashy smudgey asses, Ken Jacobs!"

****The Crowd boos****

The Duke:"Ken, you dare to make a match at the next PPV with you and the Duke, in a steel cage? Ken, the Duke is gonna make you retire on a permanent basis, after I kick your ass, then I'll bury your old ass in a casket..."

****The crowd sees what the Duke is getting with this****
The Duke:"Put you in the casket write "Mail to Cuba" on the casket, then the casket arrives to Cuba, Fidel Castro will excort you to his room, tear your shirt off and lick your deformed left nipple..."

((Duke speaks about Justin Sane in December 2000))

((The Duke changes his voice to a little girl to mock Justin Sane))

The Duke as Justin Sane:"Please Please Please Please let
me in this federation so I can touch and sneak up on all
the wrestlers and pat them on the asses including my two
favorites in Envy, Zeus, and Tinky Winky!"

((The Duke changes back to normal))

The Duke:"Justin Sane, the Duke isn't worry about you, hell
the Duke could careless if you want to touch all the men's
ass in this federation, but, if you touch The Duke's ass, Then The Duke is gonna do what he does best, and that to kick your gay amyloid pansy nipple licking smudgey ass all over the ring!"

"Cause what the Duke says, is what counts!"

((Peter Tiger is seen sitting on a chair))

Peter Tiger:"The Duke as well as the rest of the DWF has gone through numerous issues over the past year. All together, The Duke, Sage, Diablo, Sephiroth, Ken Jacobs, Marco, Rampage, Hangman, Crimson Death and Jin were all federation champions. In a span of one year. Other feuds that The Duke was involved in was between Marco... This one was probably one of the worst The Duke had ever gone through, this feud was damn show personal..."

((Clip starts))

((Duke speaks about Marco being federation champ as he beat Diablo for the belt Decemeber 11,2000))

((The Duke reaches in the back seat to get a cold Duke cola))

The Duke:"Marco, you pansy faggott smudgey ass! You had gave that DWF belt a bad name!"

((The Duke opens the cola and contiunes))

Th Duke:"Not only you act like a geek, but in the federation, you are the Steve Urkel of DWF!"

((The Duke starts to drink the Cola))

The Duke:"Thats why, the Mighty One, will stop his fans from throwing up seeing a pansy with the DWF belt, I will kick your amyloid ass, so the fans will cheer a real champion! And thats The Duke!"

((The Duke contiunes to drink until it was half empty))

The Duke:"But enough about this smudgey ass let go on and talk about you, yes you Marco!"

((The Duke throws away his cola in the street))

The Duke:"You have something that belongs to me, and the only way I can get i back is by kicking your smudgey ass in the ring for it! Cause thats what the mighty one does best! It was meant to be! Regaining the belt, and becoming a 3-time champion!"

((The Duke starts his car and closes his door as he rolls down the window))

((Peter Tiger speaks))

Peter Tiger:"And as the Duke few days later defeated Marco for the belt and become a 3 time champion, Marco has had a grudge on the Duke from that time on..."

((Clip starts))

((The Duke speaks on about his wife missing, January 21, 2001))

Peter Tiger:"Now Duke, I know how concern you are, about your wife, but after a few days, how do you really feel, not knowing your wife's current condition?"

The Duke:"Peter, this isn't a game, some smudgey ass is trying to play around with the Duke. I'm worried sick about my wife, and if this is a way of getting to the Duke? Well, it damn sure had worked. Waking up every morning without my wife in my corner just kills me inside. But the Duke can't wait for that day that he finally will know who had been pulling the strings."

Peter Tiger:"Well Duke, I don't know if you had heard what Marco had said about this situation, but what he said was pretty interesting... Here, take a look..."

((The Camera crew sets up a TV screen and shows what Marco is about to say))

Marco: Knowing what the DWF has done to Marco, I'll probobly end up being fried, so the Duke can do more and more promotions. But thats not going to happen. At the moment duke, your not in the frame of Mind. Your group, the predators has been taken over by a predator. Who is stealing your spotlight, he has brought in new members. Do you trust him or the predators anymore.

Marco shakes his head. and stares down into the city.

Marco: Could the Predators or spitfire secretly kidnapped your wife. So you get put off your game from being the number one man in this federation. Look at the facts, Spitfire is in the main event, he has shown you no compassion for your tragic loss. He has brought in his woman, and others into the group. So where does the duke come in.

Marco looks at the camera.

Marco: Are the predators keeping you back duke, are they holding Jessica. Meaning your goal is toget her back. Thus spitfire gets a clear way to the title. And how come Spitfire is welcoming in everyone who joins your group. Facts, duke, I know you hate my guts. And feelings the same. Just remeber what I have told you, being the misfit
Ive seen and heard many things.

Marco looks down onto the street below.

((The TV fades))

The Duke:"The Duke is no dummy, Marco, you bring up very interesting points. You damn right the Duke hates your guts, but you are making sense..."

Peter Tiger:"So Duke, you actually think that Spitfire is pulling the strings?"

((The Duke speaks on about after Decemeber PPV))

The Duke:"Well now the Duke realize that the Par-Per-View
had made some people... It made, Spitfire..."

((The Crowd Cheers as the Duke continues))

The Duke:"It made, Crimson Death..."

((The Crowd boos as the Duke continues))

The Duke:"And it certainly made Marco..."

((The Crowd boos as the Duke continues))

The Duke:"Into the most piece of pigeon sh-t the DWF have ever seen in its history!"

((The Crowd cheers))

The Duke:"Marco, after the Duke beat your ass like the
walrus ass licker that you are! You have been from the
top of the DWF to the bottom of the Duke's wrestling

((The Crowd cheers))

((Peter Tiger Speaks))

Peter Tiger:"As the Duke finally knows who kidnapps his wife, the Duke is put in one hell of a situation..."

((Video Clips starts))

((Duke speaks about Marco in January 23, 2001))

The Duke:"MARCO! You smudgey ass! Now you pissed off
the Duke! You come out here, flap your busted ass
gums, talk about this nipple and that nipple, you talk
about the size of a nipple and then you talk about
pinching the nipple for all its worth! Marco, The Duke
want his wife back! Just because you are a misfit to
society doesn;t mean you have to bring people to your
f***ing misery!"

((The Duke then drops the DWF Tag Team belt))

The Duke:"This belt is meaningless to the Duke. Marco, you
want to play games? You want to piss the Duke off? Are you
more stupid than all the Duke fans thought you are? What
you doing is sudicial! The Duke is going to get his wife
back, beat your smudgey ass, which is the smudgest ass in
God's green earth, then throw your worthless amyloid ass
in the water and end the one who calls himself the
"Misfit". After the match at PPV, you will be a crippled
Misfit with a half nipple."

((the Duke pauses as the crowd cheers the Duke))

The Duke:"Jessica, I hope you can hear this, The Duke is
going to bring you home, because the Duke will do what he
does best and thats to..."


((DWF New Beginnings Marco vs. The Duke))

Tiger: This one is under way and DUke comes out firing with a passion...two hard rights send Marco wobbling against the guard rail on the scaffold...another right send him over the side... he is hanging from the rail...the DUke can easily knock him into the water...below...Marco is
yelling something...

Marco:If I fall you will never see her again Duke!

Tiger: The Duke is looking down with fury...what is Marco doing to this poor man...Marco is simply sadistic he totally told his NBR friends to screw themselves he is on his own and frankly he is scaring me...Duke is pulling him back over...The Duke lays the boots to him...

Duke: Where is she you sumb*tch...

Tiger: He is screaming...he is beating the living sh*t out of Marco....

Duke: Where is she...

Tiger: The DWtron is on...wait a minute that is Susan Snow she is tied to a tree in the forest near a headstone!!!! The DUke is climbing down the Scaffold ladder...Marco is slowly getting up...Marco is climbing up onto the guard rail...what is he doing!!! he falls backwards...he is
falling into the water...the lights went out...did you hear that Marco hit the water he has to be dead!!!! Why did he do that...the Duke wins but his true goal is finding Jessica...the lights go back on...Marco is gone!!! How could Marco be gone I can't believe this folks this is

((Marco speaks))

Marco:"Well The Duke Wants to Know, what I think of him. Well At the present he is the King of the Mountain, but for how Long. Many Challanges Approach him in the future, will he overcome them??. The Duke always finds a way, like now he has turned on the fans and thought about himself which is a great move, The Duke as the Best Superstar ever, Maybe. At the present he is on top of his game, heavyweight and International titles. One thing the Duke needs is someone who he can trust in this federation."

((The Duke Speaks))

The Duke:"Marco once again bring up good points, but I learned to never trust anybody... The word "Trust" is a very powerful word..."

((Peter Tiger Speaks))

Peter:"Soon the Duke would get his wife back and Marco has joined forces with Ken Jacobs to yet again form a group that would wreck havoc in the DWF."

((DWF Commerical))

Video Clip ((DWF PPV Malicious Christmas))

Tiger: Spitfire is getting back up and Crimson is challenging him to climb the cage... SPitfire is slowly but surely answering...Spitfire is at the top and Crimson oddly lets him enter the top of the cage...they are trading blows at the top...hard right by Crimson...Spitfire ducks kick to the stomach by Spitfire...DDT on top of the cage!! Crimson is right back up OMG!! drop kick by Spitfire and Crimson goes right through crashing into the ring below!!! he has to be dead ...Spitfire nearly fell through also he is dangling from a support pole on the top of the cage...he is pulling himself up with all he has left...he is back on the top of the cage and can barely stand...hes gotta get in there and pin Crimson...what is that look in his yes...OMG! he is going to hit the reverse Swanton from the top of the cage...he is pointing while circling to all his fans...he leaps....reverse Swanton!!!! what impact they both have to be dead...Spitfire lays a hand on Crimson the count...1...2...3!!!! Spitfire Wins!!! Spitfire Wins!!!!!

((Peter Tiger speaks))

Peter Tiger:"That tournament made 2 wrestlers... Spitfire and Crimson Death... Spitfire became the first ever International Champion... Crimson Death's stock has risen to new heights...And that also means that the Duke and Crimson Death feud is always a feud to see..."

((The Duke speaks))

The Duke:"When Crimson Death faces the Duke... Business usually picks up... This guy wants to make a name for himself, and facing the Duke will do that... I have respect for him, no question about it, I known him for a long time, and his family as well.."

((Crimson Death speaks))

Crimson Death:"I think the Duke is the best in DWF history. His continue presence helps others try to elevate themselves in order to beat the Duke, like myself. With the Duke in the DWF the other plebinas bring themselves up to a new level. but this plebain is too cocky and that is his flaw he thinks he can rule this fed well im coming for you Duke and there is nothing you can do about it..."

((The Duke speaks))

The Duke:"Sometimes, Crimson likes to talk out of his ass, he likes to do these things and try and motivate the Duke and the rivality itself..."

((Clips starts))

((The Duke vs. Spitfire vs Crimson Death for the International Belt in January 11, 2001 Turmoil))

Tiger:"This one is under way and the DUke and Spitfire are teaming up on Crimson Death...they are beating him senseless this lloks like some sort of preset plan the predators are standing strong...the Duke sets Crimson Death up....spike piledriver witht he help from
Spitfire...Spitfire yanks him up and throw him to the Duke Duke lifts Crimson Death on his shoulders....Spitfire is climbing to the top...spinning heel kick by Spitfire sends Crimson Death crashing down...The Duke lifts Crimson Death up and sets him up...Duke buster!!! Duke turns around and nails SPitfire...hes standing abovve Death will he pin him....he throws Crimson Death out of the ring the Predators are gonna wrestle this one out...that could have been a very bad move for the DUke...opportunities like that come along only once in a blue moon...the lock up....DUke throws Spitfire to the ropes...cross body by SPitfire into the Duke...1....2....The Duke kicks out...The Duke is up quickly and lays into SPitfire with hard rights and lefts...Spitfire is staggered....The Duke leans back for the big punch...blocked by Spitfire...hard right by Spitfire...another Duke is staggering....Spitfire runs to the ropes....drop kick by Spitfire...Spitfire picks up the Duke...hard Frankensteiner by Spitfire and the Duke is out...Crimson Death is making his way into the ring behind Spitfire... he spins him around and kicks Spitfire in the gut....Lightening Bolt...Jalapeno jumps into the ring big boot by Crimson Death knocks Jalapeno right on her keester...the cover...1...2...3... Crimson Death retains his title!!"

((The Duke speaks))

The Duke:"Mannnn, that was a big fluke... But I'll give it to Crimson, he did what he had to do. But I felt that I was going to be the new International champion, the belt that Spitfire made famous..."

((Duke Clips))

((The Duke speaks to Bob X about Crimson Death in January 5, 2001))

The Duke:"Don't get down amyloid, I'm sure that Ken Jacobs
or Sage is cooking some more Dildo pie, why don't you go away and ask them..."

The Duke:"Crimson Death, you actually think..."

((The Duke looks to his side and still sees Bob X standing

The Duke:"What the hell are you waiting for? An invitation
from Ken Jacobs, get the hell outta here you amyloid asshole!"

((The Crowd cheers as the Duke pushes Bob X away from the area))

The Duke:"Crimson Death, you think you are real cute, you call the Duke's wife a b*tch and you are all the sudden crying about being held down. Well, the Duke has a question for you, where's your wife? The Duke has heard that you used to date men that was 4 times your age, that was retarded, and a bunch of gay midgets!"

((Crowd cheers))

The Duke:"You see, my lovely wife is in Seattle Washington
filming her usual episodes of Dark Angel, you on the hand, just kept getting rejected by men, and one time, your uncle, Dark Angel, The Fake one, was dating Kane, and Kane rejected him! So it seems to the Duke and to all his fans that... It runs in the family."

((The Duke puts the blame on Crimson Death for cutting his breaks on february 17, 2001))

The Duke:"How dare you, you amyloid asslicking smudgey ass. You come out here, play a tape, showing that, a fake me would plot something so crazy... Crimson, The Duke knows you been questioned... But! That doesn't mean that you are innocent. You see, Crimson, The Duke get rid of his enemies face to face. But you Crimson Death... Lets not forget, you are the nephew of Dark Angel. And Dark Angel, in his days with Ken Jacobs never stood out. He was a jobber, Ken Jacobs welcomed him on the Fallen Angels, but, out of all the people in that group... Every single one of them had held the DWF heavyweight World Title... And Dark Angel, well, he was the assistant waterboy for them..."

((Crowd laughs and cheers for the Duke))

The Duke:"So Crimson, for you to come out and talk like your innocent, you smudgey ass, you must be kidding. The Duke knows that you have done it! And the reason is simple. Since your uncle Dark Angel didn't get the help from Ken Jacobs, you did him a favor and try and take him out!"

((DWF PPV HeartBreak))

Peter:"...This guy is sadistic! But anyway, Crimson is dragging the Duke... a jab by Crimson.. The Duke is down... Crimson throws the Duke out by on the platform... The Duke starts to get up... Crimson kicks the Duke... What the... Crimson is clearing the announcer's table... This isn't good... He puts the Duke on top the table! Crimson goes up... Both men are fighting on top the table... This table isn't that strong! The Duke throws a right... connects...Crimson throws a left...connects... both men are duking it out... Crimson grabs the Duke... He throws the Duke off the table... The Duke is holding his back in pain... Crimson goes down... he's going for the cover... 1....2.... Duke kicks out! Both men are up... The Duke is walking away from Crimson Death... It looks like he had enough! The Duke walks up the ramp... Crimson is following him.. The Duke looks like he's leaving... There's less than 4 minutes to go in this match.. and its tied up at 2! The Duke is going to the entrance way... What a minute... Sephiroth is standing right in the entrance way! The Duke is cornered! What he is doing? The Duke is starting to climb up the titan tron! Sephiroth is urging Crimson to follow him! The Duke is about 20 feet in the air... and he's still climbing.... Crimson is following him... Sephiroth is looking up at these two... The Duke stopped... He's about 60 feet up in the air!! This is crazy! But for the Duke, I guess the only way to escape is to go up... Oh dear god... Crimson caught up with the Duke... Crimson grabs the Duke's leg... This is so dangerous! The Duke is kicking Crimson... Crimson is losing his grip on the Duke... The Duke shakes free... The Duke kicks Crimson in the face... Crimson is holding on tight... The Duke is slipping... Crimson Death is trying to go down... The Duke slips!! He falls right on Crimson Death!! OH MY GOD!!!!! Crimson is falling!! Crimson just landed on 2 tables!! This is unbelieveable! I can't believe what I just saw! The Duke grabs something in the nick of time!.... Crimson isn't moving! He must be dead! The Duke has a shocked look on his face as he looks 40 feet down and sees Crimson Death laying on 2 broken tables! The Duke is climbing down.... The Ref is stunned... The Duke is on the ramp... He looks at Crimson, and goes for the pin! 1....2.....3

((The Duke speaks))

The Duke:"Thats one of the best matches of all time, but to my surprise, it was Crimson Death's idea to make the plunge from 60 feet, He agreed to it because he clearly wanted to make this match a memorable one. Not many or any wrestler would take such a risk on doing that. And for that, I deeply respect him."

((Peter Tiger speaks in a Dark Room as the lights are on him))

Peter Tiger:"This feud was a heart-stopping rollercoaster ride that had new twists every time. A feud of the future that The Duke will go through, is definitely Rampage and Sephiroth... These two have pushed the Duke to new heights.."

((The Duke speaks))

The Duke:"Rampage? Whew, this guy is a tough sumbitch, people thought I was cocky, this guy is straight up harsh to his opponents... So the Duke plays his game and in the end, this little rival is one of the most entertaining rivalities to date in the DWF..."

Video Clip Starts

((The Duke talks to a female reporter about Rampage on April 11, 2001))

Female Reporter:"Great... Question one, how do you feel
about Rampage keep calling you a "Fluke"...Duke?"
The Duke:"Rampage, once again, you talk as if you are the
man in the DWF, but! How the hell can you talk, when theres
no DWF World Championship belt around your waist?!"

Female Reporter:"..."

The Duke:"You keep calling the Duke a fluke... Fluke this
Fluke that, you go on and on about the Duke saying stuff that you know are, false.. You talk so much that you probably actually believe if somebody told you that there's a santa Clause, you will be doing jumping jacks or eighteen back flips for joy that theres a Santa Clause..."

The Duke:"And that this so-called Santa Clause gives you a
gift... And on that gift, its says..."

From---->The Duke (4-time DWF World Champion)

To------>Rampage (Thee biggest sack of Donkey sh*t)

The Duke:"And when you open this big gift, as you smile with joy thinking you are getting a Pokemon or so other pile of trash toy, when you finally finishing unwraping this gift, you will a big box, and when you open this big box, you will then see the Duke coming out and kicking the pansyness out of your pansy no talent trash smudgey ass!"

The Duke:"Then when the Duke is gone beating you to the inch of your worthless sorry ass life, the Duke will say..."

"Amyloid, thats the Duke season of giving!"

The Duke:"So Rampage, who's the Fluke now?"

**Video ends**

((The Duke starts to speak))

The Duke:"And Sephiroth? This guy is the most dominate wrestler in the DWF. He is unbelieveable the way he does things in the ring... Plus he had that streak, that will never be broken..."

**Clip Starts**

((The Duke and Jessica are in the limo as the Duke speaks about Sephiroth in April 9, 2001))

The Duke:"Sephiroth! Once again, you talk, talk, talk, as
if your life depends on it. You make no sense and all you
do is bore the Duke with your stupid and senseless acts of..."

((The Duke acts like Sephiroth))

The Duke mocks:"Go away my children, for I Sephiroth have
to go and lick thy nipple for pure and satisfication. Then
afterwards I Sephiroth will read from thy book. Then as I
Sephiroth, done reading chapter 1,000,000,000,000 called
"Wrath of the scared Nipple" I will then give praise to the
statue in which I call Lucifer and blah blah blah blah!"

((Limo Driver is silent as Jessica is dying laughing))

The Duke:"The Duke knows that Sephiroth is full of Monkey
piss but Sephiroth doesn't know that Sephiorth is full of
Monkey piss! So the Duke is going to the ring on Monday
night and beat the crap out of the one that calls himself
... The biggest sack of turtle sh*t this world have ever seen!"

The Duke:"And one more thing, Sephiroth, you talk about the
wrath of this, the wrath of that? Well, the Duke have a wrath of his own, and it is called... The Wrath of the Duke taking that DWF title from your shoulder! Soon Sephiroth, The Duke's wrath will be all over you as you beg and beg the Duke to stop kicking your smudgey ass!!"

The Duke:"And that Sephiroth, is nothing more than the truth!"

**Clip ends**

((Peter Tiger starts to speak))

Peter Tiger:"With all this, the Duke will probably become the DWF best wrestler in federation history, something he loves to say and tell people over and over. But other wrestlers may have something else in mind.



